Get Involved!

Troop 13 is a Youth-Led Troop, but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing for our adult leaders and families to do!

Troop Committee

Below are the roles that are addressed by a Troop Committee – with 22 youth, we’re not expecting to a have a 14 member Committee. However – all these activities still need doing, and need not be in the hands of only 4-5 active members:

Troop Committee Chair – Filled

Troop Secretary – Filled

Troop Treasurer – Filled

Merit Badge Counselors

Merit Badges are one of the greatest educational opportunities that Scouting provides – by introducing Scouts to new fields, they provide a glimpse into a possible career or a lifetime hobby. Merit Badge Counselors do need to complete some online training, including Youth Protection Training. They can meet with Scouts during meetings, or can arrange other times to coordinate, and can also serve as an ad-hoc advisor for when a Scout wishes to pursue a Merit Badgeon their own. This need not be a major obligation- you can designate a set amount of time for when you would be volunteering, so it’s a great opportunity for folks who have many obligations preventing more involvement with the Troop.


Coordinating 20+ families can be complicated, and it would be helpful to have someone that could assist in managing a call tree, (They’ve left Kia Kima and are on the way home – meet at 11am at the church for pickup’), events (Courts of Honor, Eagle Ceremonies, Scout Sunday, etc.), and recruiting. 


We currently do not do a great deal of fundraising – but if it’s something you have a passion for, there are many opportunities for the Troop, IF we have a person willing to organize and run it. 


Getting there is half the fun, and twice the hassle:) We always need drivers for events, if you are unable to camp but can spare a few hours picking up or dropping off it can make the difference between going and calling an event off.  


We need a wider pool of adults to pull from for campouts and outings – while the Troop is youth led, we need adults for supervision, safety, and training. Having enough parents that can spend a weekend a year and a few days at Summer or Winter camp lightens the load considerably on the unit leaders, and lets our Troop do more.

Boards of Review

 After a Scout has completed all requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, and Life ranks, or an Eagle Palm, they appear before a board of review. This board of review is made up of at least three and not more than six members of the troop committee. One member serves as chairman, usually the committee member responsible for advancement. Unit leaders, assistant unit leaders, relatives, or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout’s board of review. (The Board of Reviews also serve as a ‘Quality Check’ on the unit leadership.)