Scouts BSA Resources

Merit Badges

Before starting a new Merit Badge, you need to let your your Scoutmaster know first! Have your parent/guardian email Mr. Martin before you begin.

Current badge(s) in progress:

Environmental Science

Badges to work on individually:

Public Heath

Public Health is a hot topic right now, and a badge that can help you understand more of the worldwide response to current events. Check out this page to see how you can earn this badge from home.


Finding ways to record the work around us is important, and photography lets us freeze a moment in time and review years later. Click here to find out how you can follow in the footsteps of Adams, Maier, and Whithers.


Art is….whatever moves you. Art Merit Badge, is a little less abstract. It is a great way to learn more about how to see the world in a different light, and how to communicate to others in a language we all share – click here to get started.


Scouts plant flowers and vegetables while working on the Gardening merit badge. They also learn how to garden safely. Seed germination experiments and the study of pollination help Scouts understand the science of gardening. They also learn about different methods such as composting, vermiposting, and hydroponics.

Check it out here

Rank Requirements

You all have a Scout Handbook – and almost everyone has or has access to a camera to record what you are working one. Practice knots, and record yourself tying them – make a record of what you’ve done, have an adult sign off on your work, and keep it together, so we can record these when we get back to meetings.